Interesting Football Facts You May Not Know

Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. It is a game with a rich history full of interesting facts. This article will reveal some things that even avid football players may not know about the sport. From fun trivia to interesting historical landmarks, this article will help you learn more about the game of football.

Some interesting football facts that you may not have known include the fact that American football was invented in 1882. That makes it only 136 years old, which is very young in terms of sports. In comparison, soccer is a much older sport. The oldest known version of soccer was played in China around 476 BC.

Another interesting football fact is that the huddle originated as a way for deaf quarterback Paul Hubbard to communicate with his team during games. He was able to use hand signals to indicate the direction of the plays and to tell his teammates when to run and where to go. This created the huddle, which is now an integral part of football games.

During a football game, there are seven different officials that keep track of various aspects of the game. These officials are the referee, umpire, back judge, head linesman, side judge and line judge. The referee is the highest ranking of these officials and has the most responsibility in regards to the rules of the game.

In order to get points in a football game, a team must score a touchdown or field goal. Running or passing the ball into the end zone counts as a touchdown, while kicking the ball between the goal posts counts as a field goal. Each of these scoring methods is worth six points.

When the first professional football teams were formed, players did not have ironclad contracts and could switch teams in a matter of seconds. As a result, many players were injured in their early careers. In an attempt to prevent injuries, players began experimenting with different types of protective equipment. Some used old magazines to wrap around their cleats, while others sewed pillows together to make the first primitive shoulder pads.

At the turn of the 20th century, football was condemned by the media as being too brutal. This prompted President Theodore Roosevelt to intervene. He summoned representatives from major colleges and pleaded with them to add safety measures to the game. Roosevelt’s efforts helped to reduce the number of player injuries and deaths.

There are a few interesting football facts to keep in mind before you watch the next big NFL game. For example, the length of a goal post is 22 5/6 yards. This measurement includes the 18-foot base, 10-foot crossbar and two 20-foot arms. The goal posts also have a radius of 68 feet, which is equal to the distance from one end of the field to the other. Also, the average size of a professional football is 29 inches in diameter.